Deutsch | English
Date | Title | Host | City | Country |
2024 | ||||
29.11.2024 | Product Liability in the Digital Age | Latvian Judicial Training Centre | Riga | Latvia |
03.10.2024 | Current News in European Tort Law | Institute for European Traffic Law | Porto | Portugal |
03.09.2024 | Liability for Artificial Intelligence | Swiss Study Foundation | Maglioso | Switzerland |
11.07.2024 | Harmonizing European Tort Law | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
24.06.2024 | Tort Law Reform in Austria | University of Girona | Girona | Spain |
26.04.2024 | The Reform of EU Product Liability | Institute for European Traffic Law | Online | Luxembourg |
22.04.2024 | Produkthaftung im digitalen Zeitalter | University of Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
05.04.2024 | Product Liability on the Way to the Digital Age | Annual Conference on European Tort Law | Vienna | Austria |
2023 | ||||
05.10.2023 | Current News in European Tort Law - The New Product Liability Regime | XXIInd European Traffic Law Days | Prague | Czech Republic |
26.09.2023 | Medical Liability in the Digital Age | Universidad Carlos III | Madrid | Spain |
25.09.2023 | Product Liability for Artificial Intelligence | Universidad Carlos III | Madrid | Spain |
13.07.2023 | Harmonizing European Tort Law | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
12.07.2023 | The 2022 Draft Directive on Product Liability | Munich Re | Munich | Germany |
05.06.2023 | Produkthaftung heute und morgen | Vorarlberger Tage (OLG Innsbruck) | Feldkirch | Austria |
01.06.2023 | Contract and Tort Law in the Metaverse | ELI Members' Day Webinar - The Law in the Metaverse | Online | Austria |
18.05.2023 | Product Liability for AI Systems | Università di Pisa | Online | Italy |
05.05.2023 | Der Entwurf einer neuen Produkthaftungsrichtlinie | Faculty Day of the University of Graz Faculty of Law | Graz | Austria |
03.05.2023 | The Reform of Product Liability in Europe | Institute for European Traffic Law | Online | Luxembourg |
13.02.2023 | Webinar on the ELI Feedback on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Revised Product Liability Directive | European Law Institute | Online | Austria |
2022 | ||||
24.11.2022 | The 2022 Draft Directives on Product and AI Liability | Munich Re | Munich | Germany |
17.11.2022 | The Grey Zone Between Fault and Strict Liability ... and Where to Place AI | Münster Colloquia on EU Law and the Digital Economy | Münster | Germany |
04.11.2022 | Redrafting the Principles of European Tort Law (PETL) | Radbout Universiteit | Nijmegen | Netherlands |
11.10.2022 | Product Liability in the Digital Age | Université Lyon III Jean Moulin | Lyon | France |
06.10.2022 | Product Liability in the Digital Age | European Law Institute | Online | Austria |
06.09.2022 | Liability for AI - Where Do We Stand? | British Association of Comparative Law | Online | United Kingdom |
29.08.2022 | The ELI Draft of a Revised Product Liability Directive | European Law Institute | Online | Austria |
07.07.2022 | Harmonizing European Tort Law | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
14.06.2022 | Ausgewählte Fragen des VGG | OLG Innsbruck | Zell am Ziller | Austria |
13.05.2022 | Künstliche Intelligenz - Haftungsregelungen in der EU | Munich Re Haftpflicht-Kolloquium | Munich | Germany |
28.04.2022 | Current Developments in European Tort Law | Institute for European Traffic Law | Online Seminar | Luxembourg |
22.04.2022 | The Dynamics of Tort Law in Europe – Two Decades of Accumulated Experience | Annual Conference on European Tort Law | Vienna | Austria |
27.01.2022 | Lunchtime Webinar on AI, Product Liability and ELI's Response to the EU Commission's Recent Consultation | European Law Institute | Online Seminar | Austria |
2021 | ||||
26.11.2021 | Die Umsetzung der Warenkaufsrichtlinie in Österreich | University of Innsbruck | Online Seminar | Austria |
07.10.2021 | Is European Tort Law Fit for News and Trends in Mobility and Technology? | Institute for European Traffic Law | Online Seminar | Luxembourg |
05.07.2021 | Harmonizing European Tort Law | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
11.05.2021 | Medical Liability in Europe | National and Kapodistrian University of Athens | Online | Greece |
05.05.2021 | Recent Developments in European Tort Law | Institute for European Traffic Law | Online Seminar | Luxembourg |
08.04.2021 | Developments in EU Tort Law in 2020 | Annual Conference on European Tort Law | Online Seminar | Austria |
2020 | ||||
27.11.2020 | Die Umsetzung der Warenkaufsrichtlinie in Österreich | University of Innsbruck | Online Seminar | Austria |
08.10.2020 | Legislative Developments in European Tort Law | Institute for European Traffic Law | Online Seminar | Deutschland |
23.01.2020 | Das neue europäische Gewährleistungsrecht | Vorarlberger Juristische Gesellschaft | Bregenz | Austria |
2019 | ||||
18.11.2019 | Causation Problems in Medical Malpractice - Lessons from Europe | Universidad Carlos III | Madrid | Spain |
14.11.2019 | Haftung für Künstliche Intelligenz in der EU | Munich Re | Munich | Germany |
07.11.2019 | Reinventing the Tort? Tort Law in the Digital Age | Vereniging voor Aansprakelijkheids- en Schadevergoedingsrecht | Amsterdam | Netherlands |
10.10.2019 | Product Liability for Autonomous Vehicles | Uniwersytet Gdański | Gdansk | Poland |
03.10.2019 | Major Developments in European Tort Law - Immaterial Harm Incurred by Relatives of Surviving Primary Victims | XXth European Traffic Law Days | Athens | Greece |
11.09.2019 | Mitverantwortung durch unterlassenen Selbstschutz | ZVR Verkehrsrechtstag 2019 | Vienna | Austria |
01.07.2019 | The "Principles of European Tort Law" | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
12.06.2019 | Das System der Rechtsbehelfe im neuen Gewährleistungsrecht für Waren, digitale Inhalte und digitale Dienstleistungen | University of Vienna | Vienna | Austria |
06.06.2019 | Liability for new technologies | ERA | Trier | Germany |
29.03.2019 | Liability for automated vehicles - anything new? | University of Padova | Padova | Italy |
22.03.2019 | Liability Rules in European National Legal Systems and Their Applicability to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Other Emerging Technologies | 3rd EU-China Legal Affairs Dialogue | Beijing | China |
01.02.2019 | Haftungsrechtliche Herausforderungen des automatisierten Fahrens | University of Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
2018 | ||||
03.12.2018 | Causation Problems in Medical Malpractice - Lessons from Europe | Universidad Carlos III | Madrid | Spain |
16.11.2018 | Der Anwendungsbereich des Güterrechtsstatuts und sein Verhältnis zu den persönlichen Ehewirkungen | Universität Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
04.10.2018 | Major Claims - Personal Injury: Mitigation of Loss in a Comparative Perspective | Institut für Europ. Verkehrsrecht | Neapel | Italy |
02.07.2018 | The Principles of European Tort Law | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
25.05.2018 | Haftungsfragen im digitalen Zeitalter | 20. Österreichischer Juristentag | Salzburg | Austria |
12.04.2018 | Product Liability 2.0: Mere update or new version? | Münster Colloquia on EU Law and the Digital Economy | Münster | Germany |
2017 | ||||
19.10.2017 | Produkthaftung für fehlerhafte Daten? | Konsumentenpolitisches Forum (Sozialministerium) | Vienna | Austria |
05.10.2017 | Allocation of losses caused by vehicular homicide | XVIII. European Traffic Law Days | Vienna | Austria |
03.07.2017 | The Principles of European Tort Law | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
2016 | ||||
04.07.2016 | The Principles of European Tort Law | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
30.06.2016 | Tort Law in the Digital Age | University of Pisa | Pisa | Italy |
01.04.2016 | 15 Years of Tort Law in Europe - 15 Years of European Tort Law | 15th Annual Conference on European Tort Law | Vienna | Austria |
11.03.2016 | Rechtsbehelfe des Verbrauchers bei Verträgen über digitale Inhalte | University of Vienna | Vienna | Austria |
2015 | ||||
12.11.2015 | Europäische Erbrechtsverordnung | TJG | Innsbruck | Austria |
04.11.2015 | E pluribus unum – The Convergence of Tort Law in Europe | University of Ankara | Ankara | Turkey |
15.10.2015 | Product Liability for Information in Europe? | University of Wrocław | Wrocław | Poland |
22.09.2015 | Aktuelle Trends im Schadenersatzrecht | University of Liechtenstein | Vaduz | Liechtenstein |
29.06.2015 | The Principles of European Tort Law | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
21.05.2015 | Cyber Liability - A View from European Tort Law | Swiss Re | Munich | Germany |
18.05.2015 | Entwicklungen im Haftungsrecht in Europa | SVV | Berne | Switzerland |
20.02.2015 | Europäische Erbrechtsverordnung | OLG Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
03.02.2015 | The Scope of Cover Offered by the MID and Its Limits | Council of Bureaux | Brussels | Belgium |
30.01.2015 | Europäisches Zivilrecht | AWAK | Bregenz | Austria |
2014 | ||||
30.06.2014 | The Principles of European Tort Law | University of Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
27.05.2014 | Aktuelle Fragen der Arzthaftung | OLG Innsbruck | Zell am Ziller | Austria |
26.04.2014 | Cyber Torts - Something Virtually New? | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
11.04.2014 | Medical Liability in Europe | UEMS | Brüssel | Belgium |
10.04.2014 | Aktuelle Fragen der Produkthaftung | Insuralex | Munich | Germany |
28.03.2014 | Entwicklungen im Haftungsrecht in Europa | Munich Re | Munich | Germany |
20.03.2014 | Wer hat Angst vor Walter Wilburg? Gegen eine unbewegliche Sicht des beweglichen Systems | Universität Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
2013 | ||||
22.11.2013 | Compensation for Bodily Injury in Europe | Munich Re | Munich | Germany |
21.11.2013 | Außergerichtliche Streitbeilegung von Arzthaftungsfällenin Europa | ARGE Patientenanwälte | Linz | Austria |
11.10.2013 | Medical Liability in Europe | European Association of Health Law | Coimbra | Portugal |
26.09.2013 | What a Loss! Selected Problems of the Law of Damage in a Comparative Perspective | Vereniging voor Aansprakelijkheids- en Schadevergoedingsrecht | The Hague | Netherlands |
10.06.2013 | Arzthaftung in Europa - ein Überblick | Universität Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
11.05.2013 | Medical Liability in Europe | ELSA Polen | Danzig | Poland |
09.05.2013 | Compensation for Personal Injury in Europe | PIU | Sopot | Poland |
04.05.2013 | Wer hat Angst vor dem bösen Produkt? Zur Einordnung der Produktehaftung | IHVR Universität Bern/ECTIL | Bern | Switzerland |
05.04.2013 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2012 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
2012 | ||||
11.10.2012 | Arzthaftung in Europa | Ecclesia | Berlin | Germany |
10.10.2012 | Arzthaftung in Europa | Ecclesia/GreCo | Vienna | Austria |
06.10.2012 | Enjoyment or Frustration with Compensating Loss of Enjoyment and Frustration? | Switzerlanderisches Institut für Rechtsvergleichung | Lausanne | Switzerland |
10.07.2012 | The "Principles of European Tort Law" | Universität Salzburg | Innsbruck | Austria |
01.06.2012 | Arzthaftung in Europa | 6. Europäischer Medizinrechtstag | Vienna | Austria |
24.04.2012 | Arzthaftung in Europa | Fachtagung Rechtsschutzversicherung | Vienna | Austria |
13.04.2012 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2011 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
15.03.2012 | Die Grenzen des Schadenersatzrechts am Beispiel der Atomhaftung | Viennaer Nuklearrechtskonferenz | Vienna | Austria |
07.03.2012 | Proportional Liability for Causal Uncertainty – How It Works on the Basis of a 200 Years Old Code | Universitat de Girona | Girona | Spain |
2011 | ||||
26.11.2011 | Von Sklaven und Kabarettisten - § 16 ABGB im Wandel der Zeit | Universität Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
25.11.2011 | Liability, compensation, redress in case of GMO admixture: legal issues | IPTS & FAO | Sevilla | Spain |
06.07.2011 | The "Principles of European Tort Law" | Universität Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
29.06.2011 | Am Vorabend eines Europäischen Vertragsrechts? Schadenersatz- und Bereicherungsrecht | Universität Vienna | Vienna | Austria |
10.06.2011 | Compensation for Victims of Crime and Terrorist Acts in the EU | PEOPIL | Krakau | Poland |
29.04.2011 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2010 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
01.04.2011 | Medical Malpractice in a Comparative Perspective | PEOPIL | Malaga | Spain |
2010 | ||||
03.12.2010 | Medical Malpractice in Austria | Institute for European Tort Law | Vienna | Austria |
27.11.2010 | Vereinheitlichung des Privatrechts in Europa - Ist der 200. Geburtstag des ABGB sein letzter? | Universität Innsbruck | Außervillgraten | Austria |
25.11.2010 | Compensation of Private Losses - The Experiences in National Legal Systems and the Perspectives of EU Tort Law | Round Table Challenges in European Private Law | Münster | Germany |
14.10.2010 | Causality and Proportional Liability from an Austrian Perspective | Judicial Academy | Prague | Czech Republic |
23.09.2010 | E pluribus unum? The Future of European Tort Law | AVUS | Vienna | Austria |
15.04.2010 | Strafe muss sein - aber auch im Schadensersatzrecht? Punitive Damages in Europa | Interiura | Düsseldorf | Germany |
09.04.2010 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2009 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
26.03.2010 | Neueste Entwicklungen im Europäischen Zivilrecht | AWAK | Dornbirn | Austria |
2009 | ||||
10.11.2009 | Legal Responses to the Risks of GM Farming | GMCC 09 | Melbourne | Australia |
10.10.2009 | Introduction to European Tort Law | Tsinghua University School of Law | Beijing | China |
20.07.2009 | Medical Liability - A European Overview | Wake Forest University Summer Program | Vienna | Austria |
01.07.2009 | Tort Liability in the “Common Frame of Reference” (DCFR) and in the Principles of European Tort Law: Similarities and Differences | Red Española de Derecho Privado Europeo y Comparado | Girona | Spain |
05.06.2009 | Legal Aspects of Coexistence | Co-Extra | Paris | France |
04.06.2009 | Liability and Redress Issues Related to GMOs | Co-Extra | Paris | France |
07.05.2009 | Alle Schäden führen zu Rom II. Das neue europäische Deliktskollisionsrecht | TJG | Innsbruck | Austria |
19.03.2009 | Legal, Liability and Redress Issues Related to GMOs | Co-Extra | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
18.03.2009 | Losses Caused by GMOs in the Food and Feed Supply Chain: Liability and Redress Mechanisms at European and International Level | Co-Extra | Buenos Aires | Argentina |
2008 | ||||
17.11.2008 | Punitive Damages in European Law | Institut für Europ. Schadenersatzrecht | Vienna | Austria |
30.10.2008 | Rom II ante portas | NVB&NGF Claims Conference 2008 | Interlaken | Switzerland |
02.10.2008 | Haftpflichtrecht in Europa – Europäisches Haftpflichtrecht: Aktuelle Reformtendenzen | Euroforum | Rüschlikon | Switzerland |
17.09.2008 | Principles of European Tort Law | Society of Legal Scholars | London | UK |
14.08.2008 | Failure to warn or inform in European Tort Law | WU Vienna | Vienna | Austria |
12.06.2008 | Are some victims more equal than others? | Munich Re Mass Litigation Conference | Munich | Germany |
24.04.2008 | Der Preis des Tötens. Grundsatzfragen des Schadenersatzes für den Tod eines Menschen im Rechtsvergleich | INTERIURA | Munich | Germany |
28.03.2008 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2007 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
07.02.2008 | Liability, Compensation, and Insurance for GMO Admixture | Co-Extra | York | UK |
18.01.2008 | The "Principles of European Tort Law" | Universität Salzburg | Salzburg | Austria |
2007 | ||||
18.12.2007 | Liability, Compensation, and Insurance for GMO Admixture | EU Commission | Brüssel | Belgium |
20.11.2007 | Liability, Compensation, and Insurance for GMO Admixture | GMCC 07 | Sevilla | Spain |
23.07.2007 | Medical Liability - A European Overview | Wake Forest University Summer Program | Vienna | Austria |
23.06.2007 | Hot Coffee and Dogs in Microwave Ovens: What Austrians Should Really Know About American Tort Law | Institut für Amerikastudien | Innsbruck | Austria |
02.06.2007 | Die "Principles of European Tort Law" im Überblick | Universität Geneva | Geneva | Switzerland |
02.05.2007 | Die "Principles of European Tort Law" der European Group on Tort Law | Parlamentarische Enquete | Vienna | Austria |
23.04.2007 | Indemnifying Victims of Terrorism | Europarat | Strassburg | France |
14.04.2007 | Wrongful Death: How Much Does It Cost to Kill Someone? | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
13.04.2007 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2006 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
22.03.2007 | Redress Mechanisms for Victims of Terrorism | Munich Re | Munich | Germany |
17.01.2007 | Personenschäden in Europa - Aktuelle Trends | HAVE | Zurich | Switzerland |
04.01.2007 | The Bases of Liability under the Principles of European Tort Law | AALS | Washington, D.C. | USA |
2006 | ||||
02.11.2006 | Strict Liability in the Principles of European Tort Law | ERA | Trier | Germany |
17.10.2006 | Liability Aspects of Co-existence Measures - Challenges and Options | FAO | Prague | Czech Republic |
14.09.2006 | Schadensersatz in Europa - Gemeinsamkeiten, Differenzen, Trends | InterEurope AG | Vienna | Austria |
16.06.2006 | Compensation for Pure Economic Loss caused by GMOs: Options in an Overview | Europäische Kommission | Brüssel | Belgium |
19.05.2006 | The Principles of European Tort Law: Concluding Remarks | Leuven Centre for a Common Law of Europe | Leuven | Belgium |
04.05.2006 | Trennung von Haftungsgrund und Haftungsfolge durch Rom II? | Institut für Europäisches Verkehrsrecht | Vienna | Austria |
21.04.2006 | Trends in European Tort Law 2001 - 2005 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
21.04.2006 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2005 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
05.04.2006 | Liability for genetically modified organisms | Europäische Kommission | Vienna | Austria |
2005 | ||||
23.11.2005 | Principles of European Tort Law: A Prelude to Harmonisation? | British Institute of International and Comparative Law | London | UK |
28.10.2005 | Personenschäden - Rechtsvergleichende Darstellung des Ersatzes für Vermögensschäden | RIAD | Vienna | Austria |
27.10.2005 | Mainstreams in the Development of European Tort Law | Annual Liability Regimes Conference | Munich | Germany |
14.09.2005 | The Emergence of Medical Liability in Austria | Cambridge University | Cambridge | UK |
25.07.2005 | Medical Liability - A European Overview | Wake Forest University Summer Program | Vienna | Austria |
02.06.2005 | Medical Liability - A European Overview | Universitat de Girona | Girona | Spain |
20.05.2005 | Strict Liability and Defences in the Principles of European Tort Law | European Group on Tort Law | Vienna | Austria |
01.04.2005 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2004 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
20.01.2005 | Financial Compensation for Victims of Catastrophes | METRO (Universität Maastricht) | Maastricht | Netherlands |
2004 | ||||
28.10.2004 | United Tort Laws of Europe - Blessing or Curse? | Annual Liability Regimes Conference | Zurich | Switzerland |
03.05.2004 | Die Haftung für Terrorschäden im Rechtsvergleich | Universität Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
16.04.2004 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2003 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
2003 | ||||
01.05.2003 | Defences Against Liability | Institut Suisse de Droit Comparé | Lausanne | Switzerland |
28.04.2003 | Der "Alien Tort Claims Act" in der aktuellen Rechtsprechung der USA | ICC | Vienna | Austria |
26.04.2003 | Defences Against Liability | European Group on Tort Law | Vienna | Austria |
25.04.2003 | Comparative Analysis of Recent Tort Law Developments in Europe | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
25.04.2003 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2002 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
28.02.2003 | Liability for Acts of Terrorism in a Comparative Perspective | Munich Re | Munich | Germany |
16.01.2003 | Ausgewählte Probleme der Allgemeinen Bankbedingungen | OLG Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
09.01.2003 | Schadenersatz für Personenschäden in Europa | 2. Personen-Schaden-Forum (HAVE) | Zurich | Switzerland |
2002 | ||||
25.09.2002 | Verjährung von Schadenersatzansprüchen | Seminar für absolvierte Juristen | Altmünster | Austria |
01.07.2002 | Schmerzengeld ohne Grenzen? | Universität Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
17.06.2002 | Compensation for Non-Pecuniary Loss in a Comparative Perspective | Centro de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela | Santiago de Compostela | Spain |
07.06.2002 | Principles of European Tort Law | Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht | Hamburg | Germany |
05.04.2002 | Tort Law-Related Developments in the European Union 2001 | ECTIL | Vienna | Austria |
19.03.2002 | Schmerzengeld in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz - Europäisches Mittelmaß? | Vorarlberger Juristische Gesellschaft | Bregenz | Austria |
2001 | ||||
31.10.2001 | Schmerzengeld in Österreich und Deutschland - Europäisches Mittelmaß? | OLG Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
05.03.2001 | Forum Shopping mit dem Seilbahnunglück von Kaprun? Kollisionsrechtliche Fragen | Universität Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
- 2000 | ||||
22.11.2000 | Garantieerklärungen im Liegenschaftsverkehr | Grazer Juristische Gesellschaft | Graz | Austria |
22.10.1998 | Drittwirkung von Grundrechten im Vertragsrecht? | Universität Innsbruck | Innsbruck | Austria |
11.10.1995 | Vertragliche Unterlassungsansprüche | Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät der Universität Vienna | Vienna | Austria |
05.03.1993 | Introduction to the Austrian Legal System | St. Mary's University School of Law | San Antonio, Texas | USA |